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Menta e Rosmarino (green festival)

Green festival In Miasino, on Lake Orta Menta e Rosmarino festival is back, the Green Asilo Bianco Festival dedicated to art, the garden and the landscape. Two days immersed in the greenery in the wonderful park of Villa Nigra in Miasino, on the hills of Lake Orta. Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 June 2018 it will [...]

Oasis in the wood

An excursion to discover the old hamlets beyond the Agogna river, in the territory of Ameno. Remarkable views to the lake and monte Rosa during the way, and enchanting places hidden in chesnut wood. Time3.30 hoursDiff. Height300 mDifficultiesEMapAmeno

Walking Miasino

Our walk starts from park of  the beautiful Villa Nigra, then following tracks in wood we reach the old hamlet of Pisogno and we go through the valley of Agogna river. Time2.30 hoursDiff. Height--- mDifficultiesTMapMiasino - Villa Nigra

Non solo lago d’Orta..

Dolomiti settentrionali Il più vasto tra i sistemi Dolomiti UNESCO si estende per 53.586 ettari nelle province di Belluno e Bolzano. Delimitato dalle valli Pusteria, Sesto, Badia, dalla valle di San Cassiano e dalle valli del Boite e del Piave, il sistema è composto da quattro aree principali: le Dolomiti di Sesto-Cadini, i gruppi di [...]

Orta on air

Lago d'Orta - in volo di uccello sul lago d'Orta con drone 4k. Magic image + web solution, agenzia di comunicazione, ha girato questo video in alta definizione per raccontare in un video anteprima, il lago d'Italia più romantico e misterioso.

Orta Reloaded

100 years ago, Lago d’Orta was one of the most unspoiled lakes in Europe. Fish were plentiful. The water was clean and fresh. Half a century later, and Lago d’Orta was fast becoming a dead zone. An environmental catastrophe caused by industrial pollution. No fish lived in the acid waters. Drinking water was dangerously contaminated [...]